Monday, February 23, 2015 By: Ali

Four Rak'ah equilavent to lailatul Qadr

Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Amr . Collected by Ibn Abi Shaiba in his ‘Musanaf’ 1/72/2) with the wording:

“Whoever prays four rak’ah after the Ishaa Prayer then they will be like their equivalent performed on Lailatul Qadr”

Shaikh Albaani then mentions: “Its chain of narration is authentic” then ibn abi Shaiba narrates the same narration from Aaisha, Ibn Masood, Ka’b ibn Maati’,  Mujaahid, Abdur Rahmaan ibnil Aswad and mentions chains of narration going back to them all being authentic with the exception of the narration of ka’b then Shaikh Albaani mentions:

“even though these narrations are attributed to companions they carry the ruling of ‘Ar Raf’ (i.e attribution to the messenger) since the subject of the narrations is not the type of thing they may have said from their opinion, as Is apparent”

(Ad Da’eefah 11/103)

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