About not killing sry couldn't think of a better title
If anyone killed a person, it would be as if he killed all mankind; and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind. [Qur’an 5:32]
A saying or something
A Christian Guy Asked a Muslim
Guy: Why Do Your Females Cover
Up Their Body & Hair?
The Muslim Guy Smiled & Took Out 2 Sweets, He Opened One & Kept The Other One Wrapped.
He Threw Them Both On The Dusty Floor & Asked The Christian:
Now If I Ask You To Take One Of These Sweets, Which One Will You Choose?
The Christian Replied: The
Covered one.
The Muslim Guy Said: That’s
How We See & Respect Our
And prophet (s.a.w) said "Assuredly, women are the twin halves of men." (Sahih reported by Abu-Dawud (RA)
Guy: Why Do Your Females Cover
Up Their Body & Hair?
The Muslim Guy Smiled & Took Out 2 Sweets, He Opened One & Kept The Other One Wrapped.
He Threw Them Both On The Dusty Floor & Asked The Christian:
Now If I Ask You To Take One Of These Sweets, Which One Will You Choose?
The Christian Replied: The
Covered one.
The Muslim Guy Said: That’s
How We See & Respect Our
And prophet (s.a.w) said "Assuredly, women are the twin halves of men." (Sahih reported by Abu-Dawud (RA)
Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, "The strong man is not the one who throws people in wrestling. The strong man is the one who has control of himself when he is angry." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Sorry for the title if I added 'and' to it like 'quran verses and hadith' it would be too long and look funny on the site.
"Is it better for me to make tasbeeh (praise Allah) or make istigfaar (seek forgiveness)?
A saying
Allah has appointed an angel in the womb
Allah's mercy
A saying
Allah has appointed an angel in the womb
Allah's mercy
Astonishing reward in considering in doing, tahajjud (qiyam al-layl) prayer
Best deed
Best to their wives
Black cumin seed "a cure for every disease except death"
Cancer is a vitamin b-17 deficiency
Cure for anger
Dajjal (Anti-christ)
Death, Grave: Questioning in the grave for the believers
Description of Jannah (Paradise) 2
Dua for when wearing a garment
Expiates sins
Forgiven his sins even if they were much as the foam of the sea (Rewards 4)
Four rak'ah equilavent to lailatul qadr
Intent, etc
Intercession on Day of judgement (Rewards 3)
Jannah (Paradise)
Jannah (Paradise) for the blind and deaf people
Jannah (Paradise) levels
K f r
Last person to enter Paradise
Not superior
Poor people
Best deed
Best to their wives
Black cumin seed "a cure for every disease except death"
Cancer is a vitamin b-17 deficiency
Cure for anger
Dajjal (Anti-christ)
Death, Grave: Questioning in the grave for the believers
Description of Jannah (Paradise) 2
Dua for when wearing a garment
Expiates sins
Forgiven his sins even if they were much as the foam of the sea (Rewards 4)
Four rak'ah equilavent to lailatul qadr
Intent, etc
Intercession on Day of judgement (Rewards 3)
Jannah (Paradise)
Jannah (Paradise) for the blind and deaf people
Jannah (Paradise) levels
K f r
Last person to enter Paradise
Not superior
Poor people
Reward of Martyr in Jannah (Paradise)
Rewards 2
Rewards 5
Rewards 7
Second coming of Jesus Christ (pbuh)
Seven people will be shaded under Allah's throne when there will be no shade except His
Three men whose dua is never rejected by Allah
Was Muhammad (s.a.w) a pedophile?
Whatever she said in dawn to forenoon (morning) these four words would surpass it (Rewards 6)
When it is friday angels stand at the gate of the mosque
Rewards 2
Rewards 5
Rewards 7
Second coming of Jesus Christ (pbuh)
Seven people will be shaded under Allah's throne when there will be no shade except His
Three men whose dua is never rejected by Allah
Was Muhammad (s.a.w) a pedophile?
Whatever she said in dawn to forenoon (morning) these four words would surpass it (Rewards 6)
When it is friday angels stand at the gate of the mosque
Qur'an verses
A fly
All the prophets
Allah forgives all sins
Beautiful quran recitation from by heart
How to become a muslim
If they incline to peace then incline also
Iman is like an airplane ride
Innovation (bidah)
Islamic pictures
Islamic pictures 2
Islamic pictures 3
Islamic pictures 4
Islamic pictures 5
Islamic pictures 6
Islamic pictures 7
Islamic pictures 8
Knock on the door...
Life is a delusion
Life with a meaning
Little thanks you give
Meaning of life
My lord, build for me near you a house in Jannah (Paradise)
All the prophets
Allah forgives all sins
Beautiful quran recitation from by heart
Being good to parents
Creation from dust
Day of judgement
Day of judgement 2
Day of judgement 3
Description of Jannah (Paradise)
Excellent creation...
Creation from dust
Day of judgement
Day of judgement 2
Day of judgement 3
Description of Jannah (Paradise)
Excellent creation...
How to become a muslim
If they incline to peace then incline also
Iman is like an airplane ride
Innovation (bidah)
Islamic pictures
Islamic pictures 2
Islamic pictures 3
Islamic pictures 4
Islamic pictures 5
Islamic pictures 6
Islamic pictures 7
Islamic pictures 8
Knock on the door...
Life is a delusion
Life with a meaning
Little thanks you give
Meaning of life
My lord, build for me near you a house in Jannah (Paradise)
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