Tuesday, May 3, 2022 0 comments By: Ali
Beautiful and interesting quran verses and hadiths from sahih bukhari, sahih muslim, etc. With Islamic pictures.
Monday, March 14, 2022 0 comments By: Ali

Your destiny awaits you

Whetever good or bad befalls you it is from Allah and with our own hands. I feel like guilt for sinning has been desensitized; good and bad is seen normal these days.  “Allah recorded the measurement of all matters pertaining to creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and earth.” [Muslim]

Saturday, February 12, 2022 0 comments By: Ali

(Iman) Life is like an airplane ride there is bound to be some turbulence


Taste that never changes in Jannah

I just thought about something there's a quran verse that says taste never changes in Jannah like fruits, food: "Rivers of milk the taste of which will remain unchanged. Rivers of wine (non-intoxicant) that will be delicious to those who drink from it and clear, pure honey. For them will be every kind of fruit and forgiveness from their lord." (47:15) and sports and the things we do in life maybe that's why it changes in Earth and maybe that's why we can't feel like how people felt before and it's not as good as the first time we try something, Allah knows best.